
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - April 2016

Nur (Light) and Fragrance of Heaven:

I was looking at the old carpenter with my open eyes with appreciation and gratefulness and again and again, my eyes would go towards the spirit whom was engulfed with blessings of heaven, light and love of heaven and then my eyesight would go towards the old heavenly mother in law in whose grave there was Nur of heaven and fragrance of heaven was dissolved in the sand of her grave, this Nur and fragrance was definitely of heaven and how was it? What were the colours and sight of this Nur and fragrance, Readers this I cannot explain to you in words. I wish! You would have been with me and then I could tell you that what was that Nur and light, what was the scent? How the fragrance was and what a sight it was and what were my feelings at this time? It was only the mercy of the most merciful which kept me in control otherwise, how can a being of this world tolerate the fragrances and waves and blessings of heaven, it was just his mercy. I was drowned in these feelings that I made the heavenly mother in law and the old carpenter attentive and asked a question: Can you tell me more of your experiences of this Ayat (a line from Holy Quran)? Before the old heavenly mother in law would speak, the carpenter said, yes I will narrate you an instance.

Yes, actually this is a strange instance:

It might not be strange for you but actually it is strange! As you are a person of spiritual world so I am saying this. The instance is this that many years before a dead body came to us meaning came to our graveyard, whenever a new dead body comes to our graveyard we are very happy as members of our tribe increase, if the dead body is heavenly, there is a celebration in the whole of graveyard and if the dead body is more than heavenly, meaning that if it is highly blessed then you cannot even think that how many blessings, Barakats, happiness and success descend on our graveyard due to this dead body. Similarly, once dead body of some pious person arrived in our graveyard and there was celebration in the whole of graveyard, it is a principle of our graveyard that whenever dead body of some pious person is brought to us, we welcome it and meet the pious spirit too and ask about the circumstances of the living world and the highs and lows of living world, success and failure, sorrow and happiness, defeat and conquest meaning we ask about everything about the living world. Few months had passed after this pious person body had come to us and as per the old carpenter that once I was sitting talking to it and I asked that Holy Quran is totally Nur and just Nur, peace of the eyes and what to say about its Barakats? But tell about experience of any one Ayat or word of Quran, the benefits and blessings of which had opened up before in such a way that you yourself were astonished. After thinking for a while, he told me about the benefits and blessings of Surah Fateha, Surah Ikhlaas and last four Quls’.

Tried out solution for marital and household problems:

I kept on listening and collecting the flowers in my lap which he was spreading with his words. During this conversation he finally said that I also got such Ayat of Holy Quran that if I tell its effects and blessings to you, you will be surprised, this Ayat is extremely tried out for few problems and situations like hatred of children, quarrels amongst family, fights of children between themselves, this Ayat is very effective for such problems, secondly, such families the peace of whose homes is ruined due to the quarrels of husband and wife and where husband and wife only fight all the time and do not have anything like love between themselves not even a bit of it, husband becomes angry by just looking at his wife or wife feels hatred by just looking at the husband, this Ayat is very effective for such problems, I will give the explanation afterwards, thirdly, this Ayat is very useful for a person whose property has been forcibly obtained by somebody or who is unable to release the occupation of somebody from his property or there is such a person whose intention is bad and he has illegitimately kept something of yours and you are not able to take your things back, thus, this Ayat is amazing for such impossible problems and I found this Ayat extremely amazing in this living world. What is that Ayat? Which affects the hearts and converts the hatred in the heart of the person into love and due to which Ayat the enemies become in favour and become friends, all the time the person who is surrounded by hatred starts talking sweetly and with love, by now I was restless and eager that after all which Ayat this pious spirit will tell me about, there was one thing in my mind beforehand that the benefits which I had heard of this Ayat definitely will be of this Ayat but this thought also crossed my mind that perhaps there might be some other benefits of which I am not aware of or have knowledge of. Perhaps due to these benefits I might get some other beneficial gift or wazifa. I was surprised that he also narrated this Ayat  وَالَّذِیْنَ اٰمَنُوْا اَشَدُّ حُبًّا لِلہ and told its benefits and said that this Ayat is very powerful, effective and has strange benefits. You cannot comprehend the power and effects of this Ayat.

Rich old person and disable young girl:

Then he narrated one of his stories that a disable lady came to our neighbor hood after getting married. Husband was old, disable wife was a young girl and the old rich person had given a lot of money and wealth to the parents of this girl and had bought her, the girl was very pretty looking but was disable from her legs and she was a born disable. For few weeks their life was good, the old person was very irritable, bad tempered, proud and extremely angry person, it had been 19 years since his first wife had died. He had grown up children, daughter in law, daughters and grand children; we knew that even his first wife finally died suffering due to his bad temperament.

Cruelty of old bad tempered husband on innocent disable:

 Now same story was being repeated with her also and at times that old husband with bad temperament would hit her so much that all the neighbor hood would listen to her cries and shouts, she could not even run or go away neither did she had strength, what was the temperament of this old person? We were surprised that even God is lenient towards him and giving time. One day my aunt who was very old and whose husband was an extremely good spiritual practitioner had come to our house. Incidentally, the old person was hitting his wife mercilessly with shoes and she was shouting in pain and so my aunt became restless by hearing her shouts and asked: What is going on? My mother took a deep breath and said, this is a routine matter!


Here this disables lady cries and there we bite our lips helplessly and wish that either this lady dies or this old person dies quickly, as this story will only end, when one of them will go away.


Act to make ill tempered husband like silk:

Our aunt said: My husband gives a recitation (Tasbih) in such situations, tell the disable lady to memories it. This will be of benefit to her and to you too. Just memories it once and then recite it countelessly during all the day hundreds and thousands of times and then see how this ill tempered and ill mannered old person would start loving her like a rose? Aunt told us this Ayat (recitation). After she left, my mother found a suitable time and made the disable girl memories this Ayat. The poor girl was sorrowful and times of sorrow are very difficult, she started reading this Ayat, only few weeks had passed that the voices of crying and suffering stopped. Rather within few months, there was a slight activity in our street, my mother looked outside the door and some household things like nice chairs and some other household things were being unloaded from a bull cart. She was surprised that this person use to hardly give a piece of bread and he has not even given some clothes to his wife and everyday he strictly takes the details of expenses from her, then what has happened to him? Afterwards we got to know that this is all blessings of the Ayat of Holy Quran of Allah سبحانہ و تعالی and there are many Barakats in this Ayat.


Home became heaven:

Then what? The home became heaven, Allah سبحانہ و تعالی gave them a son, the bad tempered old person had become pleasant, all the day he would tolerate the tantrums of his wife, would kiss his child, good food, nice things, expenses of household, and pleasant family life, the old person started doing all this, their days & nights and their company and evenings had changed tremendously, their troubles had converted into happiness, their sorrows into easiness and they started spending the days and nights of their life happily. The pious heavenly spirit was narrating its experiences, during conversation, she said: I have tried out this Ayat in many problems of life, wherever there was hatred, less affection, dearth of love and extreme problem. I found this Ayat very effective and beneficial and observed tremendous blessings of it. The spirit of old carpenter was telling about the saying of the heavenly spirit, and I was hearing the blessings of this Ayat in amazement. The old carpenter spirit further said that this heavenly spirit narrated another instance, that a person use to do business with me, I did rice business for some time also, this person was a good Namazi, pious, good tempered and had good intention, our business ran for many years, his son use to help us in our business. After some time, I felt that our business is being effected, I could feel it but did not know that where the things were going wrong? I felt it and then forgot about it. After some time again I felt it and after all with the intention of this bad effect I stared reading the same Ayat with Darud-e-Ibrahimi before and after every Namaz. I recited this Ayat for only few weeks that the son was caught red handedly stealing money from the safe by our old employee. Instead of accepting his mistake, he started hitting the old employee badly, everybody got together on hearing shouts and then we got to know that this was not the first time that he stole money rather he was stealing before also as within short time the way he would dress, his shoes, his gathering with his friends had changed, and his expenses were increased greatly. On this situation I became contented instantly, I was not troubled, rather my trouble had gone away and I got to know that it was not just my thought, rather I was sure and due to this I had reached to the right conclusion that some person is of harm to our money, and if I had said so to my partner then our relationship would have been effected, after this I did not say anything to the father, rather, I started reciting this Ayat furthermore. This Ayat revealed its miracles and the father apologized to me and paid for the loss in a proper way. The old heavenly carpenter’s spirit continued this conversation and I was continuously thinking about the Barakats, miracles and precautions for this Ayat that how much our merciful provider has made beautiful and blessed this Ayat. It was in my heart that he would tell me more benefits and Barakats of this Ayat and while I was in these thoughts, he said that you talk more about the hatred between husband and wife, mother and son, less love between the children, family quarrels, family problems and hatreds and effects of this Ayat is established.

The spirit of carpenter was suddenly alert:

Whoever reads this Ayat with attention, he gets tremendous results. Suddenly, during conversation he became alert, I became worried that why did he suddenly become alert. He told me! Just now, an army of angels has come and is distributing presents and gifts to the people of graves in our graveyard, I asked what is this? He said that somebody in the living world has only recited 11 times in some corner                                        اللھم ارحم امت محمدﷺ and so much was its reward that Allah SWT sent a big number of angels in which there are hundreds and thousands of angels and they are going to the graveyards in every corner of this world where people of faith of Umah of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم are buried, these presents are sent to all of them and recitation of this for only 11 times leads to such blessings that such person who is being permanently tortured in his grave, even his torture is postponed for 40 days. I was myself surprised to hear this and to get this new gift. I was amazed that on reading for just 11 times so much mercy, and blessings and Barakats are awarded to the whole Umah of Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم in the whole world, and this instance made me ask many more questions from him and this sudden happening made me think about resolving many systems of life that perhaps with this recitation more systems of life might also be resolved (Continued).

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